Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blog Review

  The Geekdad blog is a family oriented blog, about technology and other self proclaimed "nerdy" interests. It seems to be a very interesting blog that switches the topics up quite frequently keeping it interesting while keeping the same general theme. The topics range from video games, to books, to movies, all in the name of raising "geeked" children, a very interesting blog indeed. Parents stand to gain the most from this particular blog, gaining insight on certain things to do with their children and such, that they would probably enjoy as well. The melding of family fun, and genuine adult entertainment is the focal point of this blog, and it seems to hit the mark exceptionally well.  

Week 8- What have We Learned?

   The Ether Watch will be revolutionary, no doubt about that, and you had better be on board when it hits the streets. Don't be that hipster that doesn't want one just because everyone else does. Because after all, there is a hipster app. But in all seriousness, everyone who's been on this ride with me has seen my fledgling idea become more and more fleshed out, until now, as an idea that rivals the ingenuity of the original iPod. Hopefully one day you'll see it on shelves in your local electronics store and remember this blog, and buy an Ether Watch in all it's overpriced glory (I gotta make money somehow).
   So have I convinced you to buy this product? If yes, then god job me :) If not... then kindly escort yourself off my blog... hipster. I really hope my idea does come together, from all of the aspects that we've learned about in this class to form one solid product, that won't just be viable sometime in the far future, but with a little tweaking, available next week. And you have all seen it from the very beginning, a true and rare gift to be sure. So say thank you, or else no Ether Watch for you.      


