Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blog Review

  The Geekdad blog is a family oriented blog, about technology and other self proclaimed "nerdy" interests. It seems to be a very interesting blog that switches the topics up quite frequently keeping it interesting while keeping the same general theme. The topics range from video games, to books, to movies, all in the name of raising "geeked" children, a very interesting blog indeed. Parents stand to gain the most from this particular blog, gaining insight on certain things to do with their children and such, that they would probably enjoy as well. The melding of family fun, and genuine adult entertainment is the focal point of this blog, and it seems to hit the mark exceptionally well.  

Week 8- What have We Learned?

   The Ether Watch will be revolutionary, no doubt about that, and you had better be on board when it hits the streets. Don't be that hipster that doesn't want one just because everyone else does. Because after all, there is a hipster app. But in all seriousness, everyone who's been on this ride with me has seen my fledgling idea become more and more fleshed out, until now, as an idea that rivals the ingenuity of the original iPod. Hopefully one day you'll see it on shelves in your local electronics store and remember this blog, and buy an Ether Watch in all it's overpriced glory (I gotta make money somehow).
   So have I convinced you to buy this product? If yes, then god job me :) If not... then kindly escort yourself off my blog... hipster. I really hope my idea does come together, from all of the aspects that we've learned about in this class to form one solid product, that won't just be viable sometime in the far future, but with a little tweaking, available next week. And you have all seen it from the very beginning, a true and rare gift to be sure. So say thank you, or else no Ether Watch for you.      




Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week7- Bits and Bytes

   So you have your new fancy watch... what now? You're probably going to want to fill it up with data! This can either be music pictures, text files, or even videos (not recommended although completely possible.) But wait, as you probably already know, this takes space. Well how much space can such a device as the Ether watch hold? Well thanks to lightning fast innovation over the years since digital storage has become viable, probably more than you think. The base storage on each watch is 16 gigabytes. That's right, 16 beautiful gigs as soon as you pull it out of the box, impressive huh? But of course, you might need more, those cute pictures of your cat can really add up when it comes to storage space. That's when SD card storage comes into play. Secure Digital cards allow for more data to be loaded into a device and stored on the card itself, which can be removed and the data read elsewhere. In fact, you're phone probably uses one. Basically its a more universal version of the memory cards we all had with our Playstation 2's.
   But how, you ask, can we manage to fit so much "space" into so little space? Well it's easier than ever at the rate technology is evolving. Just a few years ago, a 2 gigabyte memory card sold for almost sixty dollars (that's only about 500 mp3 song) a travesty by todays standards. Now digital storage is not determined by the actual size of the device nearly as much. For example the newest generation of iPods all have the same dimensions, but vary wildly in their digital storage capacities. Essentially The Ether watch will conform to those who just want a few apps for maximum convenience, as well as those who want to carry their entire library with them.

Monday, October 17, 2011


  The internet! A beautiful thing isn't it? And with the Ether watch it's closer than ever. That's right, internet everywhere. But of course you need a secure connection, and with our revolutionary technology, you're data can be encrypted even when over public wi-fi hotspots. Not that you'll be sending mission critical emails, but just know that it can be done if the need arises. One less thing to worry about, and one more reason that the Ether watch is the greatest thing you will ever strap to your wrist, ever.
  You might also be wondering, how exactly am I going to connect to the internet, magic internet fairies? Of course not, those are still in development. You my friend, will be surfing the tiny interwebs through either a wi-fi connection, or a 4G connection (possibly 6G by the time of this writing, who can keep up.) Basically, you will always be connected, at church, at a football game, at a party, at your great aunt's cat's funeral, anywhere you want, we've got you covered. You're welcome

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 5 Power Source

  As we all know, as technology shrinks, so does its battery life. Even the best phones can't go a single day without a charge. But we have solved that problem. The Ether watch is completely solar powered, ingeniously as a matter of fact. The back of the watch doubles as a dingle high powered solar panel, that can be flipped so that it's facing the sun. Basically, when you're fancy watch is not in use, just flip it over and soak up some rays. And it still looks just as stylish, if not more so. But what if you want to be the life of the party... at night? well the Ether watch has a backup battery as well, also solar powered that charges during the day and can be utilized at night. You'll never miss a beat.
   You might be asking, why not just utilize an internal battery and charger system like most devices today? Well how stylish is USB cable sticking out of you're wrist-ware? If we had utilized that system, the ether watch would have to have a port to accommodate a charger. If that was the case, then it would be more phone then watch, and phone equals unwieldy in this case, exactly what this watch was designed to avoid. So now you can enjoy an undoubtedly more streamlined experience, as well as help save the environment. Thumbs up for you :)

Week 4 Style

   Now you have a mini super computer on your wrist it seems, nice. But does it look good? Ipods weren't the first devices to be able to store and play music, but they were the first to look good. In the same way, watch computers do actually exist, but you wouldn't be caught dead wearing one now would you? Before you answer that, ask yourself why you or your friends aren't wearing them? Because they're as ugly as the devil's toes, presumably. However the Ether watch is slicker than ice on an oil spill. It comes in whatever color you want, and is fully customizable. You can even etch designs onto it. People really get attached to things that represent them, so why not express yourself? Watches have always been a choice of style, and this watch is no different. Creativity is absolutely promoted in the design of the Ether watch.
   But can a stylish yet infinitely useful device such as this really exist? Of course it can! In a few short years, the Ether watch will be a fashion statement, and you'll just look plain stupid wearing anything else. Almost as silly as people who still use the Microsoft Zune. We make micro computing trendy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 3 Operating system

  While the Ether Watch (prototype name) may have all of these bangin features, it needs an operating system on which to run these applications. Currently there are a few to choose from, or you know, I could create my own (an endeavor to be sure). It makes much more economic and commercial sense to simply adapt an existing system. This might be the Android operating system, Apple's system, or the Windows platform. Which one is chosen depends on which one is most suited to open ended applications that will continually improve the usefulness and connectivity of the device. Therefore the choice is simple, the Android operating system is best suited to third part applications and access, while Apple and Windows simply cannot be as open with their respective platforms.
  Using a Android platform allows the Ether Watch to share a greater degree of connectivity with Droid powered phones, which are increasingly popular. Users will also have access to the droid marketplace, allowing them to download tons of exclusive apps, and get this, design their own. It's no secret that consumers know what they want, and corporate America, often does not.
  And of course, the greatest benefit to being partnered with google (creator of the Android operating system) is that cool little green android icon :) But seriously, it's easy to use, open ended, and not as restrictive as certain other platforms, however the real question is, is it worth forming a partnership with google, a question that could only be answered with a reasonable amount of time given to gauge the success of the Ether Watch (which has some awesome features, so how could it flop?) Once you start seeing the amazing apps you're fellow Ether Watch users have created, you'll be sold both on the actual device and the system behind it.