Monday, October 17, 2011


  The internet! A beautiful thing isn't it? And with the Ether watch it's closer than ever. That's right, internet everywhere. But of course you need a secure connection, and with our revolutionary technology, you're data can be encrypted even when over public wi-fi hotspots. Not that you'll be sending mission critical emails, but just know that it can be done if the need arises. One less thing to worry about, and one more reason that the Ether watch is the greatest thing you will ever strap to your wrist, ever.
  You might also be wondering, how exactly am I going to connect to the internet, magic internet fairies? Of course not, those are still in development. You my friend, will be surfing the tiny interwebs through either a wi-fi connection, or a 4G connection (possibly 6G by the time of this writing, who can keep up.) Basically, you will always be connected, at church, at a football game, at a party, at your great aunt's cat's funeral, anywhere you want, we've got you covered. You're welcome

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